Color! Color! More Color! Pleeeeeaaaaase.
There is just something about color that lifts me up, changes my mood and allows me to feel explosive! I get happy almost instantly. Not sure what it is, but I start a painting and it's overrun with color. Once my background is done.....It's color OVERLOAD. Is that possible? Just too much happy? Too much of anything just is TOO MUCH.
So then I find myself having to tone it down. Have you ever seen those candles or T-Shirts that say something like 'Calm the F Down', or 'Girl you need to chill'. I feel like that is the message I get from my background. There are times that this process of art and being creative just makes me laugh. How is it possible that I started so happy and free, with no restrictions, no thoughts on what the end result will look like. I just completely get lost in the moment. Take a step back and just freeze.
Then I go to plan b....okay, let's take this colorful mess and tone it back...let's relax just a bit. Bring in a little balance into life, maybe have a direction, get some clarity.
I also tend to get scared. My thoughts go to 'I just messed this up, I took it too far', 'my art is horrible'.
Does every creative do that? I have spoken to enough to know that it is normal.
So in the end, I just accept that this is my process.
I love the color, but realize that too much of a good thing can just be too much.